The planning system and process can be daunting. Rob is more than happy to provide advice on planning strategy and prospects of success on a development proposal to achieve your aims - be that to deliver development for personal use or to deliver an uplift in asset value through a planning permission.
Many local authorities offer a pre-application advice service. Rob can manage this process for you (should it be deemed necessary) and collate and submit appropriate detail to enable the Council to come to a view before an application is submitted. This is often a useful way of "testing the water".
Rob has a wide network of contacts who can be utilised to support a formal application submission. Rob prepares a Planning Supporting Statement to make the case for the development. He also manages the collation and submission of the application package and engages with the local planning authority through to determination.
Often in order to secure consent a longer term "promotional" strategy is required. Rob has experience of both short and long term site promotion, securing land use allocations in development plans for residential and commercial uses. With these allocations in place (which can take a long time to secure) the prospects of securing planning
Often in order to secure consent a longer term "promotional" strategy is required. Rob has experience of both short and long term site promotion, securing land use allocations in development plans for residential and commercial uses. With these allocations in place (which can take a long time to secure) the prospects of securing planning permission are much improved. Rob has submitted representations to achieve this and presented evidence at Local Plan examinations.
Sometimes the only recourse is through the Appeal process. Rob has very recent experience through both Written Representations and Public Inquiry routes successfully securing consent for small scale residential schemes particularly in North Yorkshire. Rob also secured costs in a number of instances.
If a "start to finish" planning service is not what you are looking for Rob can provide the following stand alone reports:
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